We currently accept payments exclusively through PayPal, providing a secure and convenient way to complete your purchase.


PayPal allows you to pay using your PayPal account, or, if you prefer, you can use major credit or debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, directly through PayPal without needing a PayPal account. Simply choose PayPal at checkout, and you will be given the option to pay with your card or PayPal balance.

Payment Security

Your security is our priority. All transactions are securely processed through PayPal's encrypted system, ensuring your payment information is fully protected. We do not store any credit card details on our servers.


All transactions are processed in USD. If you are purchasing from outside the United States, your bank may apply a currency conversion fee.

Payment Issues

If you encounter any issues during payment or need assistance, please contact our customer service team at We're here to help ensure your shopping experience is seamless.